Monday, June 15, 2009

A Cup of Coffee & a Piece of Chocolate

I don't know from where came the joint between Coffee & Chocolate to make them like a Twin that never get apart.

All what I know that they couldn't be anything but together.

All the people near me knows my addiction to the Coffee beans & all the drinks that has the Coffee as an ingredient in it.

But few days ago I was thinkng, I'm really addicted to the Coffee it occupies a part of my every day which is not a small one.

Drinking Coffee & eating Chocolate cause me a state of pleasure whatever my mood is. I know that there is a scientific facts confirms this but with me this fact proves its truth.

Another thing came to mind while thinking in my Lovely Twin, that both Coffee & Chocolate have bitterness in their taste. Yes they are bitter. Sweet becuase of the added Sugar & sweeteners to them but thier original taste is bitter.

And I thought that Human Beings are the only creatures eating things with bitter taste & yet likes it. Why is this?

By looking to what I wrote & what I'm thinking of when I think of Coffee & Chocolate, I know that whomever read this will say what is the nonsense she is talking about?!!

Yes, may be this is a very silly issue to talk about, but Things which have all this space in my every day like Coffee & Chocolate, deserves from me to talk about :)


عطش الصبار said...

ام هاجر
وحشتينى المهم موضوع انك تحبى الكافيه مع الشيكولا ده عادى لان الاتنين بيحتوا على كافايين وان عارفه موضوع حبك للكافيه لما قريت بوستك عن كوستا ويبدوا انك هتخلى هاجر تحب نفس الاشياء عموما فى حياه كل انسان حاجه بيحبها وبتمنحه السعاده انا كنت كدا من فتره كنت باعشق الشيكولاته بشكل غير عادى لكن لما بدأت تأثر على وزنى قررت مقاطعتها تما واتعذبت كتير لحد ما اتخلصت من ادمانها عموما هى حاجه فى شخصيتى ما احبش حاجه تستعبدنى حتى لو الشيكولاته
تقبلى تحياتى

Rosa said...

* عطش الصبار:

و الله و حضرتك كمان وحشتيني جداً. مش عارفة أقول لك فعلاً أنا بحبهم جداً و فعلاً هاجر طالعة بتحبهم جداً و خصوصاً الشيكولاتة و مشتقاتها من كاكاو لبيسكويت بالشيكولاتة لأي حاجة فيها كلمة شيكولاتة.

بس يعني أنا الموضوع مش واصل معايا لدرجة إستعباد لما بتحكم الظروف و نضطر نقلل قوي أو نبطل بقدر الحمد لله بس طول ما الأمور ماشية تمام فأنا بعشقهم لمالا نهاية :)

Wish I were a Butterfly ... said...


You know?? yesterday my mother bought us "Moccha ice-cream".That's what I did... Brought some chocolate, chopped it inside the ice-cream& ate it :)

It's quite a wonderful twin, and I like that post a lot. It's so natural& from everyday life. Don't find it silly at all.

Sorry for not commenting a lot. I'm missing myself a little bit and don't feel like writing anything coz I'm not sure I can find myself in writing these days.
Hope u the best...& bon appetit ;)

وحـــــــــــى القلم said...

الشيكولاته عشق حيــــــــــــاتى
وهناك علاقه وثيقه بينهم
عشان كده طلع مشروب (موكا) بحبه عشان بيجمع الاتنين سوا

Rosa said...

* Wish I were a Butterfly:

first of all your virsion of the Mocha Ice Cream seems sooooooooooo yummy.

Bon Apetit sweetie & I hope that you enjoyed every spoon of it :D

Don't apologise for not commenting for a long time I know what you are being through me too passed by such times just my advice to you, keep trying getting out of it & enjoy your life :)

Rosa said...

* وحي القلم:

طبعاً الشيكولاتة من أروع الحاجات اللي تستحق انها تتحب و الموكا كمان مشروب رائع.

و الله يا جماعة أنا ماكنتش أعرف انه في ناس كتير بتشاركني حبي الكبير:D

و عليه هعملكم مفاجأة في البوست اللي جاي :)