Sunday, February 22, 2009


Just, I miss such moments. Yes but the right words to describe what I feel is that I long to these moments.

The life consumed us & took us between its wheels & we have no time for such relaxation.

I hope we will have a nice vacation with such relaxation evenf if for 2 or 3 days.

I think it will make all the difference in our life.


كريم بهي said...

تحياتى اولا لهذه المدونة الجميلة المميزة ببعض التفاصيل الدقيقة

حقا عجبتنى

اتمنى لو تزورينى فى مدونتى الجديدة

ادب الاطفال المكتوب للكبار

كريم بهي

Rosa said...

* كريم بهي:

شرفت بزيارتك لمدونتي و سعيدة أنها أعجبتك و أعدك أنني سأزور مدونتك و التي أثق من إسمها أنها ستكون مميزة في القريب العاجل إن شاء الله

Rosa said...

sure it will make a real real change
just don't give up
kisses for ur pretty Hagor :)

Rosa said...

* Rosa:

I really misses you. Now you are visiting me rarely. Tell me, How are you? & how is everything with you?

I hope that all is going so fine.

I know that it'll make all the difference & I'm not giving up. Just struggling to take from the Time's mouth few moments.

Hagor sends you her kisses & hugs.